Song of Mornius (Author Interview)

Song Of Mornius looks like an awesome fantasy book.  When is book two set for release?   I am currently working on the outline for the sequel.  I am hoping to have the book ready by 2021.

What do you think makes a great fantasy series?
Fast moving plot, great characters you come to care about, and strong and consistent world-building.

What inspired you when writing Song Of Mornius?
I find inspiration in a lot of things. I often see entire scenes just by looking out my window while driving my car.

What are your ambitions for your writing career?  Full time?  Part time?
Talenkai is a very large planet. I would like to create a trilogy or possibly a series to further describe the magical creatures on this world. 

When did you decide to become a writer?
In my teens.

When writing Song Of Mornius did anything stand out as particularly challenging?
Researching the things I had to write that I had no personal experience with. (Beheading—I’ve never actually done that.)

How did you come up with the story in Song Of Mornius?
Mornius developed over the course of several years. I started out just imagining scenes in my head.  I wrote about ten different short stories based on the scenes I imagined, and then from there I just linked those scenes together. 

What do you like to do when not writing?
I like adventure.  My life is an adventure, or at least that’s how I try to see it.  It is an adventure to knit hats, walk my dog or go to work. Chasing down elusive dust bunnies with my vacuum cleaner can sometimes be a huge adventure.  So can atrying to create the perfect chocolate chip cookies. 

How can readers discover more about you and your work?
They can find me on Facebook if they search for my name, Diane Steinbach.  I also have an author’s page on Amazon.

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