The Lost Heir (The Dragonath Chronicles Book 1) Author Interview
The Lost Heir looks like a great start to a wonderful series. Do you plan for a third in the series? If so how far along is it?

Thank you! Call to War will be the third and final in the series. It’s on schedule for release in Summer 2017. I’ve just got the first round of edits back from my editor, so it’s moving along nicely!

What do you think makes a great story?

Realistic, complex characters. Especially in Fantasy. I hate the vapid good or evil ‘just because the author says so’ characters. No one is perfectly good or totally evil in real life, and characters shouldn’t be portrayed that way either. In The Dragonath Chronicles, Mionee is a perfect example of the characters I love and that make great stories. I’ve had many people tell me they didn’t know if they should love her or hate her. And to me, that’s the best compliment.

What inspired you when writing The Lost Heir?

When I write, I’m inspired by just about everything around me. But for The Lost Heir in particular, it was a combination of my interest in there being other worlds similar to ours within our galaxy and my weird, overactive imagination.

What are your ambitions for your writing career? Full time? Part time?

Luckily, I’m able to write full time, which is wonderful. My rather lofty ambitions are to be the next George R. R. Martin, Terry Brooks, or Robert Jordan. I don’t know if that will ever happen, but I’d love to have my name included up there with the greats.

When did you decide to become a writer?

There wasn’t a moment when I actually sat down and decided that I wanted to do this for a living. Rather, it happened quite by accident. I had started The Lost Heir just as something to do for fun. My mom had gotten me into reading, and I wanted to write it just for her to read. But I’m a huge procrastinator and am notorious for starting projects and never finishing them. So, nine years went by, and the book still wasn’t finished. Then, my mom died in April of 2011, and I thought, ‘sit your ass down in that chair and finish it for her.’ So I did. Once it was finished, I thought it couldn’t hurt to try to get it published, and things just spiraled from there.

When writing The Lost Heir did anything stand out as particularly challenging?

Honestly, there wasn’t anything that was particularly challenging other than getting myself to finish it! But once I was focused, the words just came to me, and the characters led me through the story.

How did you come up with the story of The Lost Heir?

I’ve always been interested in the possibility of other planets similar to Earth. I wondered what it would be like to suddenly find myself in another world, and the basic idea for The Lost Heir was born. Being a lifelong Fantasy lover, that was the natural genre, but I wanted to do something different than most high fantasy stories and decided to have Earth as part of the story. Darrak, the young man from Earth who’s the main character, is taken to Dragonath and finds himself torn between the two worlds. The tension increases in Awakening and Call to War as he not only struggles with saving both planets but isn’t sure where he truly belongs. Where is home?

What do you like to do when not writing?

I was an avid ballet dancer until I herniated a disc about a year ago, but I just had surgery to fix it, so I hope to get back to ballet soon! Ditto with running! ;) I also fill my time playing Lord of the Rings Online, reading, and gardening.

How can readers discover more about you and your work?

Check me out on my website

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